Fixie Render

With Fixie static IP, your Render apps can send any (HTTP, HTTPS, Database, TCP, and more) outbound requests from a fixed set of static IP addresses. Fixie for Render is language- and framework-agnostic.

Traditionally, applications deployed on Render use a dynamic range of IP addresses for outbound requests. This can pose challenges when integrating with external services that require a whitelisted IP range, including certain APIs and corporate firewalls. The integration provides both HTTP or SOCKS V5 proxies for your outbound traffic. Common use cases are HTTP requests, HTTPS requests, and database connections.This makes your app compatible with services and firewalls that require an IP allow-list.

Fixie can be used with any backend language, including JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Java, Go, and PHP.

Unlike Heroku and Vercel where there are native integrations available, Render support needs to be added manually at this time.

Getting Started

To get started, create a Fixie account, and create a new Proxy Application.

After the proxy is created, go to Proxy’s Details page where you’ll see a couple of important values:

  • Proxy URL: Your Fixie HTTP/S or SOCKS proxy URL that includes your username, password and proxy server load-balancer to use.
  • Outbound IPs: Your pair of Fixie IP-addresses. These will never change, so feel free to allow-list them with firewalls or services

Configure Your Application

Next, update your application to use your Fixie proxy server. We have documentation for many popular languages supported by Render out of the box or through a custom Docker image:

You also need to make sure Fixie credentials are accessible by your Render app. We recommend against hardcoding the values in the source code and instead adding Proxy URL string to your Render Environment Variables by following the steps in this guide. We recommend the following naming conventions for Environment Variables so it’s easier to follow along with our documentation:

  • FIXIE_URL for your Fixie HTTP/S proxy
  • FIXIE_SOCKS_HOST for your Fixie SOCKS proxy

Feel free to create different Fixie proxies for different environments (for example, development and production) to keep credentials and logs separate.

Local setup

To use Fixie locally, replicate the FIXIE_URL and/or FIXIE_SOCKS_HOST environment variables in your local environment. For example, you can add it to .env file locally

Keep sensitive configuration values, like credentials, out of source control. Exclude the .env file in Git with: echo '.env' >> .gitignore.

Changing plans

Use the Fixie dashboard to change your plan. To change the plan, click Change Plan button and select an appropriate plan.

NOTE: Changing the plan won't affect your outbound IP address

Deleting a proxy

To remove the proxies, go to the Fixie dashboard and select Delete for the desired proxy.

Having issues? Please reach out to our team here.