Fixie Vercel

Fixie's Vercel integration provides Vercel applications with a consistent set of static IP addresses for outbound requests. Fixie for Vercel is language- and framework-agnostic.

Traditionally, applications deployed on Vercel use a dynamic range of IP addresses for outbound requests. This can pose challenges when integrating with external services that require a whitelisted IP range, including certain APIs and corporate firewalls. The integration provides both HTTP or SOCKS V5 proxies for your outbound traffic. Common use cases are HTTP requests, HTTPS requests, and database connections.

Fixie can be used with any backend language, including JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Java, Go, and PHP.

Unlike Heroku where there are dedicated add-ons for HTTP and SOCKS, The Fixie Vercel Integration includes both types of proxies.

Getting started

You can add the Fixie integration to your account directly from the Vercel Integrations Marketplace listing.

  • Go to Fixie Vercel
  • Click Add Integration
  • Select a Vercel Account to add the Integration to and press Continue
  • Select the Projects to which the Integration will be added and press Continue
  • Review the requested permissions and press Add Confirmation
  • Fill in your company's information in the new Fixie account creation popup and press Sign Up when ready

After you successfully created your Fixie account, the popup window will close and you'll be redirected back to the Vercel integration page for Fixie. Press Configure to go to Fixie to create your first proxy server!

Configure your application

Next, update your application to use your Fixie proxy server. We have documentation for many popular languages supported by Vercel:

If you connect your proxy to a specific Vercel project, FIXIE_URL and/or FIXIE_SOCKS_HOST environment variables will be created in your project's Environment Variables containing the outbound proxy information. You can verify this using the Vercel CLI:

vercel env pull
> Downloading `development` Environment Variables for Project example
✅  Created .env.local file  [71ms]

Then, look for either FIXIE_URL and/or FIXIE_SOCKS_HOST in the local file

cat .env.local

Retrieving your static IP addresses

Your static IP addresses are accessible in the proxy "Details" section of the Fixie Dashboard. First, select a proxy from the list


The Fixie Dashboard allows you to track usage, access your Fixie URL or Fixie Socks Host, and view your static outbound IP addresses. Access it directly through the Fixie website

Local setup

To use Fixie locally, replicate the FIXIE_URL and/or FIXIE_SOCKS_HOST environment variables in your local environment.

You can retrieve your Fixie credentials from the Fixie dashboard or use the following Vercel CLI command to copy the credentials to an .env.local file:

vercel env pull
> Downloading `development` Environment Variables for Project example
✅  Created .env.local file  [71ms]

Keep sensitive configuration values, like credentials, out of source control. Exclude the .env.local file in Git with: echo '.env.local' >> .gitignore.

Changing plans

Use the Fixie dashboard to change your plan. To change the plan, click Change Plan button and select an appropriate plan.

NOTE: Changing the plan won't affect your outbound IP address

Removing the integration

You can remove the Fixie integration on the Vercel Integrations page for your account:

  • Select the correct Vercel account
  • Go to Integrations page
  • Select Fixie
  • Scroll down to find Uninstall button

This action will not delete your Fixie account but disconnect any Vercel-connected proxy. This means that the proxies will continue to function but you won't be able to create new Vercel-connected proxies.

Deleting a proxy

To remove the proxies, go to the Fixie dashboard and select Delete for the desired proxy.

Having issues? Please reach out to our team here.