Static IPs for Apps Hosted on Vercel

About Fixie

Fixie provides static IP addresses for outbound HTTP and HTTPS requests, as well as SOCKS proxies through which you can establish any TCP connection.

The Fixie Vercel integration allows you to easily integrate Fixie with any application hosted on Vercel.

Enabling the Fixie Vercel Integration

By linking your Fixie and Vercel accounts, Fixie can automatically set environment variables that allow your Vercel apps to connect to external resources through static IPs.

  • Navigate to the Fixie Integration in the Vercel Integrations Marketplace
  • Click "Add Integration"
  • After choosing the team and project scope to grant, you will be redirected to Fixie. Either create a Fixie account or log in to your existing account.
  • Use the Fixie dashboard to provision a Fixie subscription for any of your Vercel projects.

Use cases

External APIs and Webservices
Databases and Other TCP Connections
Connect Through Corporate Firewalls

Using with Next.js

Fixie may be used in Server Components and API Routes. It may not be used in client components, as Fetch and XMLHttpRequest do not support proxies in the browser.

You may use any request library with Fixie. For HTTP/HTTPS requests, node-fetch and axios are popular choices.

For more information, see the example app.

Example app

A minimal Next.js example app is available on Github and may be deployed with one click to Vercel.

The relevant section of the example app is in IpAddressTable.tsx.

View on GithubDeploy to Vercel

After deploying, use the Fixie dashboard to provision a Fixie proxy for your new project. Finally, trigger a redeploy in the Vercel dashboard so that it will pick up the new environment variable.

Over 50 example integrations for the most popular languages

JavaScript, Java, Ruby, Python, and many more.